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An Post Insurance Home Insurance Quotation

Provider Name:Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC
Product Type:Home Insurance
Commission Received:
    • 26.4% of the gross written premium
    Other Commissions Received:
    • We may also receive a profit commission of 1% of gross written premium provided our home insurance claims loss ratio on our overall book of business meets the criteria set by the insurance product provider
    • We may also receive a combined profit commission of 2% of gross written premium provided our combined home and car insurance claims loss ratio on our overall book of business meets the criteria set by the insurance product provider.


    Provider Name:ARAG Legal Protection Limited
    Product Type:Home Insurance - Family Legal Protection Insurance
    Commission Received:€12.55 commission per policy
    Other Commissions Received:None


    Provider:Keycare Assistance Limited
    Product Type:Keycare Insurance
    Commission Received:
    • New Business policies: €5.71 per policy
    • Renewal policies: €5.71 per policy
    Other Commissions Received:None